Mentoring pairs

Mentee/Student Mentor/Faculty Mentor
Matthew Altman/ Bryan Lietz/ Shyam Nair

Angela Barnes/ Rachel Levitades/ Ben Phillips

Nathanael Pierce/ Greg Yanke/ Tyler DesRoches

Harits Hasra/Filipp Braun/ Tom Blackson

Dane Shade Hannum/ Aubrey Spivey/ Peter Kung

Keith Swisher/ James Hall/ Peter de Marneffe

Cactus Hugs (mentoring program) directors /contact
The mentoring program was designed by, and continues to be directed and modified by The Philosophy Department's Diversity Committee at ASU. For the 2021-2022 academic year, The Diversity Committee is chaired by Maura Priest ( Michelle Saint ( and Marcello Di Bello ( ). Michelle Saint is also serves as "The Graduate Student Mentor's Mentor," i.e. Michelle mentors graduate students that are currently serving as mentors to other graduate students.