Alt-ac job market
Job information for jobs outside the university, or within the university but outside "typical" professorships.
Links: non-Academic job market advice &, aka "ALT-AC" jobs
PHILOSPHER'S COCOON Alt-AC JOBS* includes many helpful posts (click here)
Philosopher's Cocoon Directory of Philosophers in industry
Links: non-Academic job market advice &, aka "ALT-AC" jobs
PHILOSPHER'S COCOON Alt-AC JOBS* includes many helpful posts (click here)
Philosopher's Cocoon Directory of Philosophers in industry
CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FULLERTON'S ALUMNI PAGE (features many philosophers employed outside of academia) Cal State Fullerton's alumni page can be found by clicking here. The "alumni spotlights," "testimonials," "why major in philosophy," and "student success," are all potentially helpful for undergrad phil majors.
Transferable skills of philosophers
CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FULLERTON'S ALUMNI PAGE (features many philosophers employed outside of academia) Cal State Fullerton's alumni page can be found by clicking here. The "alumni spotlights," "testimonials," "why major in philosophy," and "student success," are all potentially helpful for undergrad phil majors.
Transferable skills of philosophers
Links: Phil majors and LSAT/ grad school test scores
Links: Phil majors and LSAT/ grad school test scores