Secrets of Socratic Sun Devils
The official "unofficial" information page for Arizona State University's graduate programs in philosophy (MA+PhD)
Links (all but the first are also above under home tab)
Grad student mental health - Dragonfly, an orginization dedicated to grad student mental health
Mentoring - learn about ASU's mentoring program for first and second-year graduate students
FAQ - Answers to your frequently asked questions about the program
Mentoring Pairs - list of grad/grad and faculty/grad mentoring pairs
Mentoring meetings and activities- overview of upcoming mentor/mentee events
Job market information - A summary of how to apply for academic jobs, plus advice on how to put your best self forward while maintaining a little bit of sanity
Alt-ac job market - links and resources for jobs for philosophers outside of traditional professorships.
Grad student events - Information on upcoming events specifically aimed at ASU philosophy graduate students.